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Muvi’s ISO 27001 Compliance Certification: All You Need to Know

Aditya Nayak Published on : 17 May 2022


We are super excited to share that Muvi has recently achieved ISO 27001:2013 certification for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS).  This certification further demonstrates the company’s commitment to maintaining the highest level of internal compliance and Security. This feat was achieved by Mr Chidananda Puri, Head of Compliance and his team to ensure that Muvi’s customers are delivered with the best practices in security controls, information technology and cybersecurity to our customers. 

To help you understand this further, here are some FAQs in relation to ISO 27001:2013 certification: 


What is ISO?

The ISO 27001 is a comprehensive security management standard that specifies a set of best practices and controls. The International Standards Organization (ISO) is an independent, non-governmental organization that brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market-relevant international standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges. 


What is ISMS?

An ISMS or Information Security Management Systems is a set of policies, procedures, processes, and systems that manage information risks, for example, cyber-attacks, hacks, data leaks or theft. The standard was 1st published in 2005 and then revised in 2013.


What is the Significance of Achieving this Certification?

Receiving ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification confirms that Muvi’s products have successfully passed an independent audit that development and software engineering methodologies follow and adhere to standards and best practices. Muvi engaged with TUV SUD in a rigorous third-party audit of its internal ISMS processes in information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection.

Certifying to ISO 27001 also exhibits that an organization characterized and set up best-practice information security processes.


Benefits of Muvi’s ISO 27001 certification include:


  • Commitment to Data Security

Achieving an ISO 27001:2013 certification indicates that we at Muvi, are committed to the data security of our customers and other stakeholders. Highly qualified information security expert auditors observe our organization’s security practices and try to support or supplant them with industry best practices to alleviate security breaches. This ultimately leads to a higher quality of products, services and processes.


  • Business Continuity With Future Planning

Practices such as staying up with the latest IT systems, anti-virus protection, data storage and back-ups, IT Change Management, and event logging are clearly defined under this standard. Cyber-attacks and data breaches will always stay a chance, but the forward planning associated with ISO 27001 demonstrates that we have assessed the risks and considered business continuity and breach reporting. If things somehow managed to turn out badly, hence allowing us to stay functional with insignificant damage.


  • Comply with Business, Legal, Contractual, and Regulatory Requirements

This ensures the choice of adequate and proportionate security controls that assist to protect the information in accordance with increasingly rigid regulatory necessities – legal, statutory, regulatory, or contractual obligations related to information security.


  • Edge Over Competitors

Getting ISO 27001:2013 certified is not a cup of tea for every organization. One must have the international standards of information security and best practices to get certified. It’s a rigorous process and many organizations can’t afford to do it. Acquiring the internationally accredited ISO 27001 certification proves that we have a demonstrable information security management process in place, and we can be entrusted with our customer’s data and their business.


  • Mature Company with Well-Defined Processes

ISO 27001 reviews a lot of internal processes – employee hiring, software development and QA practice, project management methodology, IT security, vendor contracts etc. It makes sure that a company has all such processes, follows it and they are well-documented. All of this means that the company is very mature, and the end result would be higher quality.


  • The Organization is in for Long-Term Success

With an ISO 27001 certification set up, we are basically future-sealing our business against the continually expanding security threats. Thus, guaranteeing our customers and stakeholders that we are there to stay and stay for a long duration.

Muvi has previously adopted a broad set of security best practices, including the latest IT systems, anti-virus protection, data storage and back-ups, IT Change Management, and event logging. The newly-achieved ISO certification confirms Muvi’s ongoing commitment to the security, confidentiality, and high availability of its services. Muvi’s products are used by Enterprise and SMB customers that cater to millions of users across the world.


Wrapping Up,

Muvi’s commitment to security is unparalleled in the streaming universe, and it also offers security measures beyond the ISO certifications as well. Some of the other security policies and features that Muvi has already implemented such as SSL, Multi-DRM, Watermarking, Geo-Blocking, and PCI compliance.  This ensures the choice of adequate and proportionate security controls that assist to protect the information in accordance with increasingly rigid regulatory necessities—legal, statutory, regulatory, or contractual obligations related to information security.


Written by: Aditya Nayak

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