
Explanation of terms and acronyms related to the media and broadcasting world. Updated every week!

Ad Network

Ad Network is an intermediary company that connects advertisers with publishers to facilitate ad placements. Examples: Facebook Audience Network, Verizon Media, Brightroll, etc.  

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Ad Exchange

Ad exchanges serve as the dynamic cornerstone of the online advertising landscape, revolutionizing the way online ad space is bought and sold. Functioning as virtual marketplaces, ad exchanges facilitate real-time auctions, connecting publishers seeking to monetize their digital inventory with advertisers eager to reach their target audiences. This innovative ecosystem operates on a real-time bidding (RTB) model, ensuring instantaneous transactions as users engage with digital content. The efficiency and transparency of ad exchanges empower publishers to maximize revenue by auctioning…

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Ad Tag

An ad Tag is a snippet of code that defines an ad placement and provides information to the ad server. Also known as Ad URLs. Some Ad Servers like SpotX generate Ad Tags in numbers and some Ad Servers generate Ad Tags in URLs.

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SSAI (Server-Side Ad Insertion)

SSAI (Server-Side Ad Insertion) technique is used to seamlessly insert ads into video content on the server side. It enables uninterrupted video playback by preloading ads and seamlessly stitching them into the content. It can bypass ad blockers and also run ads irrespective of the player.

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