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Simplify Employee Onboarding and Training Using Corporate LMS

Debarpita Banerjee Published on : 03 March 2023
Simplify Employee Onboarding and Training Using Corporate LMS


Employee onboarding and training is an essential aspect for organizations, as a lot depends on this process. From training the newly joined employees, informing them about the company culture, rules, and regulations, to gelling them with their teammates, you simply cannot afford any mistakes in employee onboarding. Nowadays, many companies use Corporate LMS for employee onboarding and training, as it can simplify the task by organizing and automating it to some extent. And due to their popularity, multiple corporate LMSs for employee onboarding have come into existence in the past few years. 

So, now comes the question, how to choose the best Corporate LMS for your employee induction program? And even after proper research, will you even get what you wanted? 

If you have these doubts in your mind, then you are in the right place. Today, we are going to discuss everything you need to know about the LMSs used for employee onboarding and training. 

In this blog, we will cover 

  • Top benefits of using LMS for employee onboarding and training
  • Top 6 corporate LMSs for employee onboarding and training
  • Features that a good employee onboarding LMS must have
  • How you can develop your own corporate LMS for employee onboarding

So, let’s begin!

Top Benefits of Using LMS for Employee Onboarding & Training 

You can count multiple benefits of having a good employee onboarding and training LMS, but according to me, the following benefits stand out amongst others. 

    1. Faster and Convenient: If you use an LMS, you don’t need to manually manage all the employee onboarding procedures for individual employees. You just need to add the newly hired employee to the LMS, and they will be able to join the induction sessions and go through the induction videos from there. 
    2. Tracking employee progress made easy: From the LMS, you can very easily track the progress of your employees. You can see how many videos or lessons they completed, and how many sessions they attended. You can even track their assignments, without any manual communication. 
    3. Skill-specific Training: If you train the employee manually, more often than not you will end up delivering the same training to all employees. But, while using LMS, you can sign different courses and training programs for individual employees, depending on their job roles. 
    4. Adaptive Learning: With LMS, your employees can enjoy greater training flexibility, as they can complete the courses at their own convenience. They can even revisit the training videos to clear their doubts and understand the topic more efficiently. 
    5. Saves Time and Efforts: In the case of manual training, you need to prepare the notes and deliver the lecture every single time. But, using LMS, you can reduce your efforts by storing your induction deck, training PPTs, and other training materials in the LMS. In fact, you can even record and save the induction and training sessions. Hence, you don’t need to do the same work again and again, hence saving a lot of your time. 


Corporate LMS


Top 6 Corporate LMSs for Employee Onboarding & Training 

Based on different criteria, the following LMSs have stood out as the best choice for employee onboarding and training in our study. 

1. Muvi One

Muvi One is a completely no-code LMS development solution that lets you develop your own branded LMS platform without any technical know-how. You just need to register with Muvi One and activate the eLearning module. You can then develop a complete end-to-end employee onboarding and training LMS where you can upload courses (video, audio, and PDF), induction videos, assessments, and surveys. In fact, you can hold live sessions, record them and save them for later use! 

Top Features:

  • You can develop customizable native apps for employee onboarding and training.
  • Promotes interactive and collaborative learning. 
  • Its multi-DRM feature keeps your training content and data fully secured. 
  • Its DRM supports multiple audio languages. 
  • It has a built-in advanced analytics dashboard that lets you track every detail about your employees. 
  • You can onboard multiple trainers as content partners. 


Its pricing starts from US $399 per month. 

2. Talent LMS

If you are looking for a very easy-to-use LMS that fits perfectly within your employee onboarding and training budget, then Talent LMS is the platform for you! Its intuitive user interface helps you streamline the entire employee onboarding and training process, and develop the training content very easily. And it comes at an affordable cost too! 

Top Features:

  • You can combine your pre-existing content very easily to build multiple training courses. 
  • This platform allows you to automate employee assessment and survey processes. 
  • In case you use Bamboo HR, you can integrate the LMS with your HR tool, and then directly capture the employee training data into your HR dashboard. 


Its pricing starts from US $59 per month.

3. iSpring Learn

If you are looking for an LMS with advanced features, and you are ready to spend a few extra bucks on it, then go for iSpring Learn. It has both basic and advanced features, and most of these features can be handled by beginners! 

Top Features:

  • Completely intuitive navigation and user interface. 
  • It lets you create your native mobile app for training your employees!
  • iSpring Learn has a 24×7 technical support mechanism, through which you can reach out to their engineers in case of any need. 
  • It comes with a powerful iSpring suite authoring tool, which makes the entire course creation process extremely easy for you! 


This platform will charge you on a “per active user” basis, and you need to spend US $2.87 per active learner, in case you have a maximum of 100 active learners in a month. 

4. LearnUpon

This LMS is made keeping big corporate companies in mind. So, naturally, it has all the features which you will need to train your employees. 

Top Features:

  • From one single platform, you can launch multiple internal learning portals, in case you need separate portals for separate departments. 
  • It has a built-in course creation tool which makes the task simpler for you. 
  • It has integrated testing and survey tools too. 
  • You can integrate the Salesforce app with this platform. 


Its pricing starts at US $599 per month.                 

5. Abara

In one sentence, Abara is the smart corporate LMS for modern organizations! It comes with a mobile-first approach, as it focuses on employees who love to get trained from their smartphones rather than PCs. Hence, if you have a really dynamic and remote workforce, then this LMS can be your ideal choice! 

Top Features:

  • You can launch multiple portals from a single platform.
  • In-built onboarding content help reduce time in content creation. 
  • In-built assessment and course-building tools focus on automated course and assignment creation. 


If you have up to 100 active users, you need to pay around US $5000 annually.                         

6. Docebo

If flexibility is your key while choosing an LMS for employee onboarding, go for Docebo. This platform is known for its high degree of customizability and offers a comprehensive employee onboarding template.

Top Features:

  • It allows you to combine informal and formal training sessions in a virtual environment. 
  • It empowers enhanced knowledge sharing using AI.
  • Different modules allow you to do different things under separate pricing structures. 
  • You can get add-on features to your present modular structure at any time. 


The website has not listed any specific price. As it charges you based on your customized module, hence you must talk to the company directly regarding pricing. 



Features to Look Out For While Choosing a Corporate LMS

If you are reading this blog now, you must be wondering how you can decide which LMS will be best for you. Well, for that, you will have to first analyze the features that you will need. For your convenience, we have listed out some of the top features that employee onboarding and training LMSs must have. 

Support for Various Types of Content

A good LMS should support all forms of content, video, audio, and document. This is because you will usually need all three forms of content at some stage of training. If your LMS does not support them, then your training process might become less efficient.                    

Support both Live and On-Demand Content

A good employee training program usually consists of a combination of live sessions and course videos. So, you will ideally need an LMS which supports both live streaming and on-demand streaming. I know, many LMS might not support live sessions, but it is always better to choose one that supports it.                     

Support for Mobile Learning

Nowadays, most companies are focusing on remote work environments. And accordingly, the device preference of the employees is also changing. Though corporate training has traditionally taken place through professional systems only, the pandemic has shown us the importance and efficiency of mobile learning. That is why it will be a plus if you can get an LMS that lets you develop your own employee training mobile app.               

Well-Built Analytics

Analytics is extremely important for efficient employee training. It lets you track your employee’s progress, the courses they have completed, and the assignments that they have succeeded on. It helps you get an idea of their learning potential and previous skills too.                         

Built-In Cloud Server Support

In case you are remotely operational, cloud servers and content delivery networks (CDNs) can prove to be a lifesaver. The cloud CDN will help reduce streaming latency by delivering content from the server located nearest to your employee.                                 

Progress & Certificate Management

For any LMS, progress tracking and certificate management is one of the fundamental necessities. And for Corporate LMS, tracking the progress of your employees becomes even more important, as you pay them to complete these training sessions! That is why, before choosing the LMS platform, you just check their progress tracking and certification management features. 

Content Security

Any corporate LMS contains a lot of sensitive data, including documents related to your company policies, your employee’s personal and professional data, important courses and instructions, and a lot more. That is why the LMS must have built-in DRM features which restrict unauthorized access. Also, many times, many sensitive business data are shared during the training sessions, which should not be accessed by people living in a specific geographical location. This is where the geo block feature can really help. When applied, geo block restricts access to your content in specific locations.  

There are many more features that are necessary, but these features are must-haves in every sense. 

Now you might ask, what if the platforms do not offer all of them in one single place? Well, it can be a case, where you get one platform that offers some of these features while missing out on some others. In such scenarios, you can always build your own LMS platform for employee training and onboarding. And trust us, it is not at all difficult! In fact, using a good no-code platform like Muvi One, you can very easily create your own LMS platform in minutes!    

Build Your Own Corporate LMS for Employee On-Boarding & Training

You can build your own LMS for employee onboarding and training using a few very simple steps. Let’s take you through these steps one by one. 

Step 1 – Sign Up

In the first step, you will have to sign up with Muvi One, by clicking on the “Free Trial” button appearing on the top right corner of our website. Alternatively, you can sign up using this link

Step 2 – Design Your Front End

Now log in to your CMS, and choose the Citrene template. You can also customize the template to suit your needs from Muvi One’s Visual Designer

Step 3 – Enable eLearning

Once you are done with the website design, come back to your CMS and enable the eLearning module. 

Step 4 – Upload Content and Curate Courses

Now, you can start developing your course content and design unique courses for your newly joined employees. 

Trust us, you don’t need to write a single line of code, and you can still get the best LMS for employee onboarding and training. 

Muvi One vs Other Pre-Developed LMS: What’s the Difference?

Options like iSpring Learn and LearnUpon offer you readymade LMS solutions, then why would you develop your own LMS with Muvi One? Because we offer you some extremely crucial features which are not offered by any of these options. Let’s take you through a brief comparison of our platform vs other LMS. 



On carefully going through the list of features given above, you will be able to spot the difference yourself. Now, decide for yourself, and if you want a complete LMS solution, choose Muvi One!

To Sum Up

For efficient employee onboarding and training, you need a corporate LMS that’s easy to use, customizable, and keeps your data safe. Muvi One, Talent LMS, LearnUpon, iSpring Learn, Docebo, and Abara are some of the good options to choose from. 

But, in many cases, you will fail to get everything under one platform. So, it’s best to develop your own LMS using Muvi One. So, why wait? Sign up to start your 14-day free trial today!



Q. How to use an LMS for employee onboarding?

Ans. You first need to set up your LMS and add appropriate courses and training schedules. Then, you should give access to your content to your newly joined employees so that they can join the sessions and go through the training videos and assignments. It is a very simple and secure process. 

Q. How LMS can help in making virtual onboarding interactive?

Ans. If you are using Muvi One, then you can hold live sessions, where your employees can interact with you via chat. And you can reply to them too. In fact, you can even send them personalized email notifications. 

Q. What makes an effective corporate LMS?

Ans. The following features make a corporate LMS effective:

  • Content security and Geo-blocking
  • Analytics to track employee progress
  • Cloud server support 
  • Multiple content formats
  • Certification management
  • Ability to hold live training sessions along with recorded video lectures. 


LMS for employee onboarding


Written by: Debarpita Banerjee

Debarpita is a Content Writer with Muvi. With around 2 years of experience in content creation, she has worked across industries like SaaS, EdTech, eLearning, AR-VR, and Metaverse. She believes in delivering content that can be of some value to the readers. In her free time, she likes to try her hand at website and app development.

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